Western Sydney Whitewater Club Development Program

A Western Sydney Whitewater Club Development Program

The Slalom Academy.  

This club-run pathway will be complementary to, and work in close collaboration with, existing state and national development pathways run by PaddleNSW and Paddle Australia, respectively.

Club Structure 

Western Sydney Whitewater Club is an evolving club with many divisions. Below is the current club committee which facilitates the running of the club. These roles are decided at the Annual General Meeting however can change throughout the year. 

President: Chris Tubb. 

Treasurer: Rebecca Davidson

Canoe Slalom: Emmie Barratt, Alex Zarb, Georgia Rankin

Freestyle: Eileen Callaghan

Club Coordinator: Emmie Barratt

Race Coordinator: Julie Curtin

Committee Member: Cheryl Deaves, Georgia Rankin, Tim Anderson